
Explore the religious studies bachelor's degree program at UW-Eau克莱尔

The 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校's religious studies bachelor's degree introduces you to the fascinating world of religion and the various beliefs, 实践, 文本, ceremonies and theologies associated with it.

Rooted in rich history and cultural exploration, the program's curriculum will introduce you to religions across the globe, 从基督教到犹太教, 伊斯兰教, 佛教, 印度教, 儒家思想, 道教和神道教. Examine topics like the meaning of religion; the nature of religious thought; and issues around God, 救赎与邪恶. 课程, including unique research projects and classroom discussions, will provide you with a better understanding of the way people think, 感受和行动. 

Religious studies majors are highly encouraged to take their education to the next level by exploring the world around them. 发现新习俗, traditions and lifestyles in countries like Ghana, 日本, 奥地利, 希腊, 爱尔兰, 在意大利或苏格兰留学期间. Or spend a semester at one of more than 200 universities p艺术icipating in the National Student Exchange program. Cultural immersion programs will take you out of your daily routine and immerse you in unfamiliar 文化s, catching a glimpse of how others experience life.

Home to one of the few philosophy and religious studies dep艺术ments in the state, the religious studies major will prepare you for graduate school or immediate entry into the workforce. Our alumni go on to pursue a variety of careers, including those related to religious organizations, 政府, 法律, 教育和筹款. 无论你走哪条路, you'll find a major in religious studies benefits you on both a professional and personal level.


研究经验. As p艺术 of a capstone course, you'll complete a rigorous research paper on a topic of your choice. In addition to being a compelling addition to your resume and portfolio, this paper will give you real-world experience conducting and presenting research. 

增强的技能. Religious studies majors take away valuable skills, 包括批判性思维, 交流和抽象推理. Your ability to interpret and analyze complex information will prepare you for a variety of different roles and organizations. 

支持教师. While at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金, you'll learn from some of the best. Our accomplished and enthusiastic faculty go out of their way to ensure you are inspired, motivated and on track to finding a career you love. 

一个多才多艺的、有意义的学位. Religion is persistent and a p艺术 of virtually all civilizations and 文化s. While some degree programs may come and go, the study of religion is always relevant and adaptable, as it is continually explored through new lenses. The world will always need religious studies majors and minors. 

与本地雇主的联系. Annual on-campus Career Conferences and a Non-Profit and Government Career Fair bring potential employers right to you. These events are excellent opportunities to network and submit your resume for current and future job openings. 


or continuing education after graduation



  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • This major requires a minor or certificate.
  • This program is also available as a minor. 
  • Students majoring in this program may choose either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
  • Theta Alpha Kappa
  • 哲学俱乐部 

What can I do with a religious studies degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

The religious studies curriculum provides an excellent framework for graduate school and a variety of career paths. The major provides rich preparation for jobs that require specialized knowledge, 写作, 灵敏度, understanding of complex documents and the ability to relate to people of various 文化s. 你可以选择教书, 在大学里进行研究, 或者在图书馆担任各种角色, 非营利组织或博物馆. 


Our religious studies alumni have gone on to earn positions at places like the Smithsonian Institution, 为美国而教, 跨信仰网络, 宗教自由基金会, 联合劝募协会和退伍军人事务部. Jobs range from a college recruiter to youth services coordinator, 致公关专员, 律师, 心理学家, 家庭顾问兼牧师.


Religious studies teaches you about people, yourself and why we are where we are today. It forces you to think critically about the tough questions in life and dig deep to find out who you are as a person. 就像艺术和音乐一样, religious studies plays an important role in shaping a well-rounded individual.

Ashlei Buhrow 宗教研究

Religious studies bachelor’s degree program curriculum

Curriculum within the religious studies major focuses on the history of religion and the interaction of religions and 文化s across the globe — and across time. 课程 explores how religion has shaped the world’s history, 文学, 艺术, 文化, 政治, 伦理与经济学, and how religious traditions have laid the foundation for human rights, 社会正义, 宽容与世界和平. 

What classes do religious studies majors take?


了解更多有关 religious studies major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.

了解更多有关 religious studies minor in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.


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